Homeowners Insurance in Florida
Florida is a top destination for college vacationers and retirees alike — and for good reason. Already the third most populous state in the nation, it’s no surprise that almost 1,000 people move to Florida every day. With the mildest winter of any state in the country and an average of 237 days of sunshine per year, the Sunshine State holds true to its name. There are many places to enjoy in the panhandle like golf courses, amusement parks and white sand beaches.
Although Florida feels like a year-round vacation most of the time, it has its share of issues. Hurricanes are an annual concern for homeowners between June and October. Strong winds and flooding from one storm can take a home off its foundation or ruin a family’s belongings inside. Thankfully, homeowners insurance in Florida provides protection for when things go south.
Hippo is now operating in the Everglade State and offering home insurance from Miami to Jacksonville and everywhere in between. Below, we discuss the details of Florida homeowners insurance and explain just how Hippo can help.
What is the average cost of homeowners insurance in Florida?
Florida’s average home insurance premium is $2,193 per year, almost twice the national average of $1,200 per year. For this price, you could buy approximately 1,776 oranges, which is Florida’s state fruit!
Florida is the second most expensive state for home insurance in the nation because it’s surrounded by the Atlantic Ocean and the Gulf of Mexico. Florida sits in Hurricane Alley (with twice as many storm touchdowns as the 2nd most hurricane-prone state of Louisiana), where warm water in the Atlantic Ocean creates storms. Still, this warm ocean water also makes it a beautiful place to live.
What factors influence my home insurance rate?
Home insurance in Florida varies based on many factors. For example, your premium may be lower if your home is newer or in better condition because a more modern home is seen as less of a risk. The location of your home also contributes to your premium price, so if your home is on the coast, plan on a higher premium than if you reside inland. If your Florida home is a vacation home, you’ll need a second home insurance policy to cover that property.
Florida Home Insurance Premiums
What does homeowners insurance in Florida cover?
You wouldn’t jump into the ocean when there’s been a shark sighting, would you? You have to be prepared for the dangers you may face. The same goes for Florida homeowners insurance. A home insurance policy covers your home’s dwelling, your belongings, your liability and even living expenses. You can even add an insurance rider if you want supplemental coverage for things like valuable items or replacement costs.
As a Florida homeowner, you might want to invest in additional policies such as hurricane insurance or catastrophe insurance. To give you an idea of why you need these policies, Florida has experienced 37 major hurricanes since 1851, making it the most at-risk state in the nation during hurricane season. According to the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, 40% of all U.S. hurricanes hit Florida.
Florida Insurance Coverage Options
Traditional coverage
Physical Structure
Living Expenses
Liability Protection
Additional Structures
Personal Possessions
Supplemental coverage
How can I lower my homeowners insurance in Florida?
Hippo offers premium credits on policies that include coverage for Windstorm or Hail. By installing mitigation features, such as storm shutters, you may be eligible to receive a reduction in the Windstorm premium, reduce your out-of-pocket expenses, such as your hurricane deductible, and minimize the damage to your home from a catastrophic wind event. These discounts apply only to the premium applicable to Windstorm coverage on your policy. Documentation that verifies the existence of loss mitigation features is required to receive the credits.
For homes built prior to the 2001 Building Codes, the discounts are based on the following:
1. Roof Covering
2. Roof Deck Attachment
3. Roof to Wall Connections
4. Roof Shape
5. Secondary Water Resistance (Barrier)
6. Shutters
For homes built in compliance with the 2001 building code or later, the discounts are based on the following:
1. Roof Shape
2. Shutters
Please refer to the Uniform Mitigation Verification Inspection Form for more information on how to receive the credits.
You can also update your home with smart devices like cameras and alarm systems to increase security and water sensors to watch out for any leaking or flooding, which should also lower your premium.Just make sure you let your insurance provider know when you make these updates so you can see the discounts reflected in your policy.
Florida homeowners insurance resources
Florida homeowners have plenty of resources to learn about home insurance, which is good given the dangers of living in Florida. National and state-run programs are available to educate residents and help them get the coverage they need before severe weather occurs.
National Flood Insurance Program
FEMA, a government-run agency, manages the National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP). This program delivers flood insurance to property owners, renters and businesses. Most homeowner policies don’t cover flood damage, which is why the NFIP provides this additional coverage.
Flood insurance covers up to $250,000 for residential homes and $100,000 for residential contents. With this coverage, Florida homeowners can recover faster once floodwaters recede.
Florida’s Citizen Corporation
Most states have Fair Access to Insurance Requirements (FAIR) Plans that provide insurance to people that would otherwise be denied property insurance because they’re seen as too high-risk for traditional providers. Florida doesn’t have a FAIR Plan, but instead, their last-resort coverage program is run by Citizens Property Insurance Corporation.
Florida homeowners who can’t find insurance through the private market can obtain insurance through Citizens. You’re also eligible for Citizens public insurance if the comparable private market premium is 20% higher than the Citizens policy offered.
Choosing the right homeowners insurance in Florida can make all the difference when you’re recovering from a natural disaster or another unfortunate occurrence. Working with a modern company that understands the protection you need can make you feel at ease. At Hippo, we’ll make sure you can customize your home insurance policy so you can spend your time catching rays on the beach or hitting balls on the golf course.