The Spokane skyline in the evening, with the buildings lit up.

Spokane Homeowners Insurance

If you’ve ever celebrated Father’s Day on the third Sunday in June, you’ve got a Spokane resident to thank. Sonora Smart Dodd created the holiday at the Spokane YMCA in 1910!

But beyond being the birthplace of a holiday to celebrate dad jokes and backyard grilling, the Lilac City is home to nature, history and culture that is sure to captivate Pacific Northwest tourists and Spokane residents alike.

Whether you’re gazing at the largest urban waterfall in the U.S., golfing on one of the city’s many golf courses or eating one of the various cuisines that can be found in town, Spokane residents deserve to be protected by good home insurance.

To help you figure out your options, we’ve compiled a guide to home insurance in Spokane.

How much is homeowners insurance in Spokane?

Illustration of three houses with green doors and smoke coming out of the chimney of one

Home insurance in Spokane will cost about $1,048 per year. That means Spokane residents will pay over the Washington home insurance average of $960 but below the national average of $1,200. Being one of the more urban areas of Washington state, it makes sense that Spokane residents may see slightly higher premiums than the Washington state average.

However, Spokane is still located in Washington, which — other than rain — experiences very little intense weather or crime. Washington residents don’t often experience extreme weather events like earthquakes or tornadoes, which means home insurance companies don’t have to prepare to cover damages from those events.

Spokane residents will pay about $152 less than the national average for home insurance — enough to camp for five nights in Spokane’s Riverside State Park.

Is home insurance required in Washington?

Home insurance isn’t a requirement in Washington, but it is a good idea to invest in it. Just like you wouldn’t sign up to run the world’s largest timed footrace — the Lilac Bloomsday Run, held in Spokane — without purchasing a good pair of running shoes, you wouldn’t buy a home without first taking steps to insure it.

And even if you did decide to take the risk of homeownership without insurance, there’s a good chance your mortgage lender wouldn’t let you. More than likely, they’ll require you to have your home insured.

Spokane Home Insurance Premiums


What does home insurance in Spokane cover?

A typical home insurance policy will cover dwelling, personal property and personal liability. Essentially, your standard coverage will take care of the structures on your property, your household’s belongings and any accidental damage that is your fault.

For Spokane residents, this means that you can recreate the world’s largest 3-on-3 basketball tournament that is played at Spokane’s Hoopfest in your own backyard without worrying about the cost of accidental injury to one of your teammates.

You’ll also be covered if Spokane’s freezing winters do damage to your pipes or home. The city gets about 42 inches of snow per year, so home insurance can help make sure your home is protected from snow-related damage.

Spokane Insurance Coverage Options

Traditional coverage

Physical Structure

Living Expenses

Liability Protection

Additional Structures

Personal Possessions

Supplemental coverage




Considerations for Children of the Sun

The word “Spokane” comes from the indigenous tribe that settled in the area and translates to “Children of the Sun.” The city’s mild climate makes for a pleasant outdoor experience in the spring, summer and fall months. And what’s more: While fellow Washington city Seattle is known for rain, Spokane is under the national average for rainfall.

However, as snow melts or during a particularly rainy time, Spokane may experience flooding. In that case, residents may want to be prepared with flood insurance to help cover the costs of the damage.

How to lower your home insurance premium

People living in Spokane enjoy an insurance premium that is lower than the national average. However, that doesn’t mean you can’t look for an even better deal. Insurance providers will sometimes offer a discount to people who opt for a policy with a higher deductibleor who take steps to make their home safer.

One way to do this is by investing in smart home devices, which can also provide other benefits to homeowners beyond the financial. Sure, these devices can save you money on your premiums, but they can also reduce your carbon footprint by monitoring your energy usage and make your home safer by acting as a security system. If you want, they can even play music by Spokane legend Bing Crosby on voice command.

You can also shop smart for your home, looking for a newer build that will be less susceptible to winter damage. Taking steps to prepare for winter weather, like cleaning out the fireplace and sealing the windows, can also help you secure a better deal, as you will likely file fewer claims if you take these steps.

If there’s anything a dad loves, it’s a good deal. So celebrate Spokane and the creation of Father’s Day by doing your best to find the cheapest and most reliable home insurance possible. Our advice? Start with Hippo.

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Hippo Insurance Services (“Hippo”) is a general agent for affiliated and non-affiliated insurance companies. Hippo is licensed as a property casualty insurance agency in all states in which products are offered. Availability and qualification for coverage, terms, rates, and discounts may vary by jurisdiction. Any estimated premium savings are based on the application of discounts which are subject to availability and qualification. Smart home discounts are subject to additional qualification, conditions, and restrictions. We do not in any way imply that the materials on the site or products are available in jurisdictions in which we are not licensed to do business or that we are soliciting business in any such jurisdiction. Coverage under your insurance policy is subject to the terms and conditions of that policy. Coverage and coverage amounts selected are the decision of the buyer.

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